2018/05/12 mariagrace

Orion Currently: Month 10

Month 10 and Squish is still going strong!

We’re heading into the last stretch of his first year and Tim and I continue to be awed by how different life is for us now. I remember like it was yesterday how I felt just as Squish was ready to join us. Then all of the sudden this little human entered our world. Lots of the days were blurry, but so many more have been crystal clear. Ten months have now passed and you wonder how time moved so quickly. Sometimes Tim and I can be anxious about helping Squish reach his next milestone, but then when he does, we feel like we want Squish to stop growing altogether so that we can enjoy his little baby self and all the frustrating, inspiring, funny, and bat shit crazy things that happen. I wonder if we’ll ever grow out of wanting our kid to be our baby for just a little longer.

So now it’s official; we have a crawler. We have a tummy-scooching, butt-wiggling, fiercely determined crawler. Squishy’s the cutest thing when he’s exploring his world. Tim and I are now scared out of our minds with keeping Squish out of any danger that even we can’t anticipate fully yet. One thing we discovered when we become new parents is that we will do absolutely anything for the safety and well-being of our child. Now if only our child would learn to stop licking the floor, maybe we can get Squish to have an appreciation for his own safety, too.

We’re getting ready to celebrate my first Mother’s Day this weekend. I will be an emotional baggage that day. Squish has really given me a sense of peace and wholeness that I didn’t know existed. I can’t wait to thank him for making me a mother.

Aloha to Month 10, Squishers! You are -quite simply- our whole world. We love you. xo, Mommy & Daddy



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