2018/03/12 mariagrace

Orion Currently: Month 08

Month 08 and we’re feeling great! Squishy breezed through his eighth month like the champ he is.

We have a sitter upper! Kinda. Squishy is now sitting up mostly unassisted. We’re practicing on getting him to sit up on his own, but find it just too cute when he face plants if he leans forward too much. He’s also tummy scooching and rolling to get from point A to point B. Like a bandit making a break for it, Squish always manages to escape our carpeted area for the hardwood floor. What’s funny is that once he’s there, he’s content to just lay there and be adorable and babble to himself. We love that.

And Squishy has also discovered the true joy of smashing toys together. Squish loves nothing more right now than to bang his stacking cups. At first Tim and I thought we’d be annoyed by the sound, but just like every other thing Squish does, we find it undeniably amusing. Now we hand him things just to see if he’ll smash them together. It’s the simple joys, really.

Happy Month 08, Squish! Be bold, be awesome, be you. We love it all. xo, Mommy & Daddy



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