2017/09/12 mariagrace

Orion Currently: Month 02

Happy Two Month to Squishy! The Konos are continuing to figure out this family groove and are appreciating how each day is different. Wins are something Tim and I have come to learn matters a lot and—as new parents—don’t often take the time to recognize. It’s hard to take a moment for yourself to breathe let alone for congratulations. But Squishy is worth celebrating over so Tim and I are re-defining what winning means for us. It means reading a book to Squish and letting the laundry wait. It means carving time for a run while your partner holds the fort. It means trying to get Squish to say he loves mommy more than daddy, to hilarious effect. Winning means different things on different days and all of them matter equally.

Squish has grown in pounds and inches since last month and we’re amazed at how different he looks today than from when he first arrived. He’s starting to coo and enjoys telling us how his day went. He’s a champion napper and likes to burrow his head into my armpit before zonking out. He’s fascinated by his daddy’s deep voice and tracks Tim across the room with eerie focus. Squish hates tummy time but knows that there’s no gain without the pain. At least he’s now down to two night feeds which this mama appreciates very much.

Keep growing and learning, Squish! We can’t wait for all the weird things you’ll do to make us laugh in Month 03. xo, Mommy & Daddy



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