2015/05/07 mariagrace

Takoyaki Party in La Jolla

Finally getting the opportunity to post about the quick jaunt Tim and I made this past weekend to San Diego to join the UCSD Kendo in celebrating their 2015 year. This was my first time at one of Susan’s famous takoyaki parties. So much fun. So many takoyakis consumed. So few regrets.


Our contribution? Spam and chicken katsu musubi. It’s our go-to potluck party dish.


Susan, the beautiful and gracious host.


Oh, nothing. Just a bunch of game doves. There’s a first time for everything.


Precious with her precious.


Yup, an asian party.


Getting used to my new last name. Still gives me a thrill.


The youths were amused.


And so were we.

Till next time!

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Owner + Photographer for Maria Grace Creative

Comments (2)

  1. Oh my goodness that all looks so delicious!!! Must have the recipe for the spam musubi! Chuckling over the Asian party! LOL I wish that happened at my parties!

    • mariagrace

      Haha, thanks. Spam musubi recipe: white rice + spam + seaweed. Easy peasy. 🙂

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